

Founded in 1888 by Danish settlers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-一天 Saints for the purpose of educating themselves and their children, 雪的大学 was first called Sanpete Stake Academy and was begun at the urging of Church leader Canute Peterson, 谁支持教会对教育的重视. 完全由当地捐款建造, including “Sunday Eggs,” the school had a rocky start as the locals struggled to finance 他们的梦想.

学院的第一任校长 阿尔玛格林伍德由老师嘉莉·亨利小姐协助. 第一个班的150名学生开始上课 the top floor of the Co-op Store, the building which still stands today, located on 在主街和第一北的拐角处.

Mr. 格林伍德于1891年底辞职,由校长接替 乔治·克里斯坦森他只干了一年就离开去继续他的学业. 他十二点回来 几年后成为了学院的一名教师.

从1892年到1921年牛顿E. 诺伊斯担任校长,以他的名字命名仍然被占领 行政大楼. 当奥. 诺伊斯开始了他多年的工作 现在有四名全职教师和两名兼职员工. 预备学费 课程是4美元.50美元15周 of study; for intermediate courses, the cost was $6.50美元15周.

在1900年,金融危机将Mr. 诺伊斯到教会总部请求帮助 for the school, and Church 总统 Lorenzo Snow authorized $2,000 as that year’s 拨款. 为了表示感谢,桑皮特的赞助人将他们的学校命名为“雪学院” Lorenzo Snow and, at his request, after another early pioneer, Erastus Snow. 这个名字 of the school was changed to Snow Junior College in 1922 and finally to its present 1923年更名为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行.

牛顿诺伊斯 韦恩? B. 黑尔斯从1921年到1924年任职. 由这个 time the student body had grown to 339 pupils, but only 59 were in the college program. In the fall of 1923 plans developed to transfer the high school students to the local 教育委员会.

雪学院的下一任领导是 弥尔顿H. 克努森 谁从1924年到1933年任职. 当高中的学生被转到 the local 教育委员会, Snow accepted the first four grades of elementary school 作为回报. 克努森校长通过提供 each student with valuable experience in teaching under the supervision of skilled 教练. In the last year of 总统 克努森’s administration - owing to financial difficulties caused by the Depression - the church deeded 雪的大学 to the state.

克努森之后是 Dr. I. 欧文Horsfall他的任期为1933年至1936年. Dr. 霍斯福尔强调教师的自我完善, and in the summers of 1935 and 1936, 70 percent of the teachers were doing graduate 工作. 博士期间. 霍斯福尔政府的教师培训计划被取消了 全州所有两年制学校的学生. 结果,斯诺的课程被缩减了 from twenty courses to five, and many feared the college wouldn’t be able to survive.

In spite of the changes, Snow received strong support from the community and experienced 在另一位长期主管的领导下, 詹姆斯一. Nuttall (1936-1953). 1938年庆祝其成立50周年的活动显示了其非凡之处 characteristics of this small school: a strong and loyal alumni group which boasts a long list of distinguished people, dedicated faculty who were willing to sacrifice salaries for the school’s survival, and a pervading feeling that those affiliated 与学校一起被称为“雪之灵”.”

In 1951 Snow became a branch of Utah State Agricultural College (now USU) in Logan. It remained an adjunct to USU until 1969 when it became a member of the State System 高等教育.

跟随詹姆斯·A. Nuttall来 莱斯特B. Whetten他在1953年至1956年期间领导了该研究所. 导演惠顿对雪诺的强调是 stated in the 1953-54 school catalog, was in accentuating the school’s role as a community college for the benefit of every citizen within a fifty-mile radius to “improve his 教育拓宽了他对生活的满意.”

Whetten的继任者 J. 艾略特卡梅隆, came to Snow from the position of Superintendent of Schools in Sevier County. 在 在卡梅隆主任的任期内(1956- 1958),教师人数增加到26人. 虽然 the campus was still contained on one block, plans were made to expand the campus 还有学生的体型.

卡梅伦离开时,这是全体教员的选择, 弗洛伊德年代. 河中沙洲, was appointed director in 1958; a popular and effective leader, he served until 1974. 的 school made a significant transition from fighting for its existence to 强调学术卓越. 学校和社区对斯诺的声誉感到骄傲 处于历史最高点.

下一任总统是 J. 马文Higbee. 他于1974年至1982年任职. 希格比时代被视为变革、评价、 和经济增长. Vocational courses were expanded, and the Snow Activity Center—the largest 犹他州为一所两年制大学提供的这种设施得到了资助. 校园扩大了 到以法莲以西,计划建一个职业中心.

在总统 Steven D. Bennion (1982-1989) the funding for the Career Center was obtained, and the 雪的大学 Foundation was formed to acquire needed funds for the college and its students. 的 college celebrated its Centennial with a year of activities honoring alumni and recognizing 前一百年的成功和成就. 学校继续说 to build its reputation on an outstanding academic offering, and Snow became the first 提供荣誉课程的两年制学校. 学校也得到了认可 for its theatre productions, forensic awards, music contributions, outstanding journalism, noteworthy programs in English as a Second Language, and athletic accomplishments—including 1985年全国冠军足球队.

杰拉尔德·J. 一天 继续领导学校经历重大变革. 在他执政期间 (1989-2001),人文大楼进行了翻新,露西A. 菲利普斯图书馆 被改造的. 格林伍德学生中心和诺伊斯大楼也建成了 恢复. 除了增加实体设施的数量,总统 一天 was also helpful in increasing the number of employment and educational opportunities 为犹他州中部的人们准备的. 众议院第114号法案正式宣布前塞维尔谷 应用技术中心是雪学院的分校. 南雪学院 the Applied Technology Division of the college, and a new Fine Arts Division was created.

在总统 Michael T. 本森的 tenure (2001-2006), a home was needed for the newly created Fine Arts Division. 总统 Benson secured private funding for the new performing arts facility, the George S. 和德洛丽丝·多萝西·埃克尔斯中心. 除了这个校区,还有五个其他设施 (the Old Gym, the old Social Science Building, the Varsity House, the old theater, 和旧的南区音乐大楼)被拆除. 筹款活动是 focus during 总统 本森的 presidency, and substantial, private donations to 这所学院达到了历史最高水平. 诺贝尔和平奖得主埃利·威塞尔来访 学院和学术上的卓越被强调.  

这种卓越的传统延续了一段时间 斯科特·怀亚特 担任过总统. (2007-2014).  他领导学院的发展计划和战略 planning, including approval of the college’s first four-year degree, implementation 高科技教室的建设,Karen H. 亨茨曼图书馆 新建的400个床位的学生公寓. 尽管全国经济不景气,他仍然坚持 championed an aggressive marketing campaign, enhanced the college brand, and led the 大学的学生入学率增加了40%. 

Gary L. Carlston 在担任总统期间(2014-2019年)体现了“雪的精神”。. 他很有名 作为桥梁建设者和合作者. 他致力于统一里奇菲尔德和以法莲 campuses, emphasizing that the college is one institution with two campuses. 教师 and staff were particularly thankful for the historic 拨款s he secured, which 被用于补偿. 两个校区的基础设施也得到了改善 the addition of the state-of-the-art Graham Science Center, the Bergesen Athletic Center, new fitness centers on both campuses, and the education wing of the Sevier 山谷中心.

布拉德利J. 烹饪 became president in 2019, few could have anticipated what would happen in the world 在接下来的三年里. 尽管经历了一场全球性的大流行,但这是历史性的 changes to higher education, and political unrest, 烹饪 was relentless in his optimism 他还呼吁员工“重新想象”什么是可能的. 任期(2019-2022) is best remembered for a $5 million capital campaign for need-based scholarship aid, 扩大在线学习选择,获得额外的4美元.500万资金 from the legislature, and creating a Technical Education Division to effectively serve 作为犹他中部六个县的技术学院. 

 作为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行第18任校长, Stacee Yardley McIff is passionate about serving all students, particularly those who come from rural 区域. Creating lasting partnerships to serve the needs of the community while maintaining Snow’s high-touch, hands-on approach to learning, 总统 McIff has the vision to 带领学校走向未来.